
Mosquito Control is “So Much More Than Spraying”


Ask your average homeowner what they think mosquito control is in their community, and most will respond with something about “spray treatments.”

詹妮弗Biancalana, a control consultant with Hga010皇冠软件下载’s service operations in Illinois, recently had the opportunity to talk about mosquito control and pond management with the Illinois Chapter of Community Associations Institute (CAI). 在CAI的一集节目中 共同兴趣播客, Jen shared how she works to help communities enjoy the outdoors during the Midwest’s short-but-sweet (and often buggy) summer season. “Mosquito control is about so much more than nighttime spraying, which only addresses adult populations and offers short-term relief,珍说。.

To maintain low nuisance levels and protect public health, you need to take a more holistic approach that includes surveillance and treating larval sources where mosquitoes breed, 还有定期的成人喷雾治疗. When you combine these efforts, summer outside can truly be enjoyed.

说到幼虫来源, did you know that pond in your neighborhood may be a mosquito-breeding haven? Mosquitoes breed in standing water, and a pond can provide an ideal environment for laying eggs. But by adding fountains or below-surface bubblers, just enough agitation is present to deter mosquitoes from laying eggs. And as a bonus, the aeration from fountains and bubblers also helps fend off algae.

Every neighborhood has different needs when it comes to pond management and mosquito control. “Consulting with communities and developing individualized plans for making their outdoors comfortable and safe is the best part of my job. There really is so much more to it than just spraying!”

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